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Bishop Lonsdale

Church of England Primary Academy

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Week 1 week beginning 22.2.21

Hello everybody.

I hope that you have all had a good half term and are ready for some great learning this week. 

I have changed the layout of the work this week putting it into days. There is a suggested timetable which relates to what the children who attend school are doing. Please feel free to choose when you want to do things just have a scroll through the days. 

The maths activities and challenges are at the top not in a specific day. 


 In English we are starting a topic on newspaper articles and this week after a 2 day introduction to newspapers, the children will be exploring the book "Here we are" by Oliver Jeffers in order to do an interview which they can record and then write short interview article. If you would like some children's newspapers as examples we are leaving some for you to collect from the year 3 box in the front entrance porch at school.

Spellings are in a separate powerpoint and each day has a separate powerpoint.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Holland



Suggested Timetable

Warm up activities- give your brain a workout.

Maths activities and challenges for the week

                           Daily learning