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Bishop Lonsdale

Church of England Primary Academy

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Year 1 CM

Welcome to Year 1M

Miss Meyrick

Please bring every day

heart Water Bottles

heart Plastic Reading packs with ALL books


Monday Tuesday



NUMBOTS to be played at least 3 times a week as part of homework. 


Little Wandle Books collected in.


Reading diaries checked and rewards given.




Change library book



Take home new Little Wandle book.

Spellings set 


Weekly spelling test.

PE kits






Year 1 PE day each week will be on a Friday. Children need to come to school dressed in their PE uniform. Think about the weather each Friday as the children will be having PE sessions outside.  The uniform policy is green/black shorts or jogging bottoms, white T-shirt, green/black jumper or zip-up top, black trainers.  Please ensure long hair is tied back.  Children are not allowed to wear jewellery, if they have stood earrings please ensure they are covered with a plaster.


School Book Bag

This week the children in Year 1 have all been issued with a named plastic school book bag.  Please ensure the children bring this to school every day with their reading books; we have a box in each classroom where the children are asked to put their plastic book bag as they come into school each morning.  Any paper letters from school will be sent home in the plastic book bag.  We understand that some children might bring an additional bag to school for other belongings and if so, this can be kept on their peg in the cloakroom. However, for ease we do encourage just the single plastic school bag provided.    


Water bottles

Please ensure children have a clearly labelled water bottle in school every day. There is a water machine outside our year 1 classroom should they wish to fill them up during the day.


Class Doio

This week you will have received a letter with information about setting up your Dojo account.  This will be used to communicate whole class information messages and reminders. 


Library Books

Next week children will independently choose a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book from our library to bring home. This is a book to share at home with you, it is not phonically decodable.  It is intended to be shared with your child and the expectation is not that they can read this book independently. We aspire to encourage a love of books and promote discussions about reading. Children will change their books each week on a Wednesday.  


Reading Books

We are currently in the process of assessing the children’s phonic knowledge to provide each child with a phonetically decodable reading book.  Children will bring home their first book on Wednesday 11th September.  We will collect in all books on a Monday to carry out our practise reading sessions in school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then you will be issued with this new book on a Wednesday each week. It is essential that these books are brought into school each week as missing books impact the children and their learning.  This year we will be keeping track of missing books, if the book is not returned we unfortunately will not be able to send home any further books for your child until their current book has been received.  We are extremely grateful for your understanding and support with this. 

Reading Diaries

On a Monday, when reading books are collected in we will be checking if the children have read that week. If they have read 3 or more times at home, they will receive a dojo as a reward. We appreciate your support with reading at home as reading is a vital skill that enables them to access the whole curriculum.


Little Wandle & Spellings

Each week the children will practise reading and spelling weekly tricky words as part of their Little Wandle Phonics sessions as well as through activities in the classroom throughout the week. An overview will be put on our class webpage for your information.

From October half term we will be sending home a short list of spellings. Some children may find the spellings easy however they will progressively get harder as the year goes on. The spellings will run on a two-weekly programme. Week 1 three new spellings to learn. Week 2 the children will have the same 3 spellings however when they complete their informal test, they will have to apply them within a dictated sentence. This is to avoid the children learning for a ‘test’ and in the hope they will apply it to their English writing.

The children could practise these spellings in creative ways such as rainbow writing, making the words using magnetic letters, creating the letters using playdough, writing in sand/salt.




Each week we encourage the children to read their Big, Cat Collins book at least three times to an adult. You could also use your ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book to share together and discuss. This will count towards their reading dojo reward so please record this in their reading diaries.

Children will need to practise their spellings weekly as part of homework 



NUMBOTS (app or website) 

Children have their own individual logins. We ask that the children play at least 12 minuets per week. Please head over to the letters section on the class page to read how you can support your child on NUMBOTS further. 



Can all children bring in a set of spare clothes (in a labelled bag) which will be kept on their coat peg and left in school in case of accidents/spillages. Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly labelled, especially jumpers and cardigans. Now children are in year 1 we encourage them to be a lot more independent with their belongings so this will support them with this.


Parent partnership

We kindly ask that parents please continue to use the school office email system for any direct individual communications with your child’s class teacher. In addition, you are always welcome to speak to your child’s class teacher at the end of the school day should you wish.

Please also check your child’s class page on the school website for further information.


We look forward to an exciting year together in Year 1!


Many thanks for your continued support

Mrs Myles (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) Mrs Booth (Thursday, Friday) (1MB) and

Miss Meyrick (1M)

Year 1 2023/2024 
