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Bishop Lonsdale

Church of England Primary Academy

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I wonder what it would be like to live in a Castle?




We were very lucky to have Eccleshall Rugby Club to give us an extra PE session. Most of the children had not tried  rugby before, but now they love it! 


Harrison-  I loved that lesson. I had so much fun! 

Ada- I was practising throwing and catching. 

Toby- I love anything to do with PE. 

World Book Day 2024 

Stafford Castle Trip!

On the 6th March we went on a coach to Stafford Castle for our school trip. We had a fantastic day and learnt so many new things about the history of Stafford Castle. In the morning we all enjoyed dressing as knights and charging up to the castle! In the afternoon we made coins, herb bags and shield rubbings and had a workshop learning about what life was like at Stafford Castle many years ago! 


26th February - 29th March

The children have really enjoyed reading the traditional tale 'Hansel and Gretel.' Part of the story features a Sweet House that is found deep in the woods. The children tasted different parts of the Sweet House such as: Strawberry laces, biscuit, sweets and more! This then allowed them to create an adjective word bank to enhance their writing later in the week. 


Below, you will find some examples of the Sweet House descriptions. The children also read back through their work and edited with red pencil to make improvements. Can you spot any of their wow adjectives? 

Instruction writing: 



This week it is reading week. The children have read different types of instructions and picked out the features such as imperative verbs. 

The children then had a go at reading and following a set of instructions and they made their own gingerbread! 


Toby- We needed 350g of sugar. I know the g stands for grams. 

Layla- We had to mix the butter, brown sugar and flour together.

Zane- The ginger is a spice. 

Ellie- We worked together to read the instruction and we had to do it right so they tasted nice. 

Bella- We had to follow in order. 


In geography, we have explored Australia! The children know no that Australia is split into 6 territories and states. 

Before teaching this topic, the children assumed that Australia would have sunny weather. However, when we looked at the climate we learnt that it differs across the states and it also depends on the time of year. The children now know that Australias weather varies. 

Here is some pupil voice- 

Layla- Northern Australia is hotter because it’s closer to the equator. In England it’s the south that’s closer. 

Nell- Tasmania has seasons like us! 

Harley- The equator is where the hot countries are. 

Toby- When we did the weather map I learnt that Darwin has tropical weather. 

Ivy- I had a go at using a compass. 


In science we have started our new topic ‘Animals and humans.’ 
The children were asked to research an animal for their homework and ensure they included the classification. The children did a great job and created some fantastic, informative posters! 


We have also compared animals within their own group. For example, not all mammals have four legs. 

Pupil Voice- 


Elliot- A mammal can grow hair 

Phoebe- Fish have scales and live under the water. 
Nell- Amphibians are soft but wet to touch. 
Bella- Cows are mammals 

Daniel- Turtles are reptiles 


Maths fluency is really important for children to develop their skills as they expand their knowledge on number. 
During spring 1 we had a focus on being fluent in number bonds to 10. To help support your children with this, websites and games such as ‘hit the button’ are fun ways to practise and make maths fun! 
During spring 2 we will now be focusing on doubles to 10. Simply sitting in the car on the way to school, modelling doubling facts to your child is a great way for them to learn! 



The children have thoroughly enjoyed our ‘expressive art’ painting projects. They have learnt that painting isn’t just about using a paintbrush, there are so many other tools too! 

What new tool have you tried to make art? 
Layla- a card to blend 

Toby- the other end of the paintbrush 

Grace- sharp objects 

Elliot- our hands and fingers! 

We have also enjoyed exploring other artists such as Charlie French and Vincent Van Gogh and using their ideas in our own art work. 


Non fiction writing. 

In History and English we have been learning all about Castles and Knights. 

This week, the children received a special message from King Lonsdale. He needed the children to write a non fiction booklet about how to become a knight so he could recruit some new workers. 

We have learnt about uniform, training & duties, weapons and so much more! The children have thoroughly enjoyed this topic and have great sticky knowledge! 

Questions to ask your children: 

What are a nights metal gloves called? 
What material is a Motte and Bailey castle made from? 
How old are you when you are a page, squire and then a knight? 
Who won the Battle of Hastings?

Computing- Bee Bots!

We learnt how to make the Bee Bots move by pressing different commands.
