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Bishop Lonsdale

Church of England Primary Academy

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Safeguarding Information

Bishop Lonsdale CE Academy recognises its legal duty under section 115 Education Act 2002 (section 157 in relation to academies) and the 1989 Children Act and takes seriously its responsibilities to protect and safeguard the interests of all pupils. The academy recognises that effective child protection work requires sound procedures, good inter-agency cooperation and a workforce that is competent and confident in responding to child protection situations.

Any safeguarding concerns in the academy should be made aware to the Designated Person for Child Protection or the Deputy Designated Person. A designated member of staff for safeguarding is available on the academy site at all times during the school day.


Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Claire Jones -  Principal (Email: or Telephone: 01785 336512)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Penny Holland - (Email: or Telephone: 01785 336512)


Nominated Governor for Safeguarding is Mrs L Wright 


This section contains some information regarding Safeguarding of Children. Please read this information carefully. 

2023 - 2024 Safeguarding Action Plan

School Safeguarding  Policy

Statutory Guidance on Keeping Children Safe in Education

Online Safety 

How to talk to your children when things go wrong 

Safeguarding from Extremism and Radicalisation

At Bishop Lonsdale C of E Academy we aim to educate pupils on the dangers of radicalisation by supporting their personal development and building trusting relationships that enable them to discuss ideas.

Parents and pupils who have concerns about extremism and radicalisation may look to schools/academies as a trusted source of advice on how to keep children safe from these risks. In addition to materials produced by the Local Authority and the police – such as the new ‘Prevent Tragedies’ online campaign launched by the Police ( – there are online resources produced by civil society groups which provide valuable advice for example ‘Families Matter’ (, (run by Families Against Stress and Trauma).
