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Welcome to Nursery Class

Mrs Aldred 2024/2025


Welcome to this exciting time for your family as your child begins their journey at Bishop Lonsdale Nursery. We hope your child will be very happy and enjoy many achievements in our nursery.

The children have had a fabulous first few days and are settling in  very well. Over the next few weeks we will be getting to know the children by talking, playing and listening to them. This will help us gain knowledge about them and what their individual next steps are. We are looking forward to getting to know your child better.

The children are all doing fantastically well coming into school in the mornings. We know that for some children (and parents) this is a daunting and emotional time. Please be assured that any children who are initially finding this part of the day difficult, settle quickly once inside and they are soon happily playing.  

Class Rules and Expectations


Within the first week of school the class talked about what they thought would make our classroom a happy place.  We discussed what we would expect from each other and what values we held high in our expectations.  These are the rules which the class came up with to make the Nursery a happy place.


We keep our classroom tidy


We look after our toys


We play nicely with each other


We are kind and friendly


We share with each other


We always say please and thank you


We are helpful


In Nursery we follow the Development Matters Document where a child's development is based on their age.  Our curriculum uses children's interests and experiences to spark their enthusiasm and love for learning.  By the end of Nursery we would be expecting the children to be meeting the majority of the statements within the 3-4 years bracket, however we do make our judgements as professionals on a 'best fit' basis.  All children have the expectation to meet the Early Learning Goals statements by the end of Reception.  Please click on the icons below to view the statements for each age range. 



Useful documents for Nursery parents/carers
