As part of our Science we have been learning about plants. We went down to the school garden and planted some sunflowers, over the next few weeks we are going to be observing them grow and keeping a diary of the changes we see.
During Art week we have been looking at the artist Peiter de Hooch and his painting 'The Courtyard of a House in Delft'. We all chose a part of the painting to sketch and draw. After, we chose which media we wanted to use to finish our work with.
We have been listening to different genres of music and exploring how that makes us create art differently. We have built up our knowledge of different art media to create a final piece.
In science we have been learning about the season 'Spring'. We have been observing the changes that take place and linking it to Easter. We have also been comparing the seasons and what is the same/different.
Computing- Programming Animations
In computing this half term we are using the Ipads using an app called Scratch. We are learning how to programme an object to move, using different directions. We are learning about algorithms and following these to run our programmes.
Maths - Volume and Capacity (Week 2)
This week in Maths we have been learning about volume and capacity. Today we completed an experiment to see how many cups of water would fill different sized containers. We made predictions to begin with and then filled each container. We then compared each one and discussed which held the most or least.