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Bishop Lonsdale

Church of England Primary Academy

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Summer 2024

Week commencing 17th June 2024


Dear Families,


We had a fabulous day yesterday visiting the Gladstone Potteries in Longton. We had a tour of the factory including the bottle kilns, which we got to go into and explore. We saw several demonstrations of how to make china and the materials that make up china. We had a flower making and pottering painting demonstration and learned a little about using coloured clay. The children loved making their own pencil pot out of clay and learned techniques such as coiling.

Week commencing 10th June 2024


Dear Families,


This week in maths, we have been focusing on the accuracy and speed of our multiplication tables in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check.  The children have worked very hard to make great progress and really did us proud with their effort.


In English, we have been using imperative verbs and adverbs to write a set of instructions on how to make a  chocolate cake. The children are having to remember to be accurate and concise with their writing.


In music, we have been practising with 4B in preparation for the upcoming music concert which we are very much looking forward to. Please don't forget to bring your instruments to school on Monday to prevent any last minute rushing about Tuesday morning.


Homework this week is English, pages 28 and 29 of the comprehension book are to be completed. In addition, with the Euros beginning tonight, the children are asked to create a fact file about the team they have drew in our class sweepstake.

A snapshot of our week

Week commencing 3 June 2024


Dear Families,


This week in English, we have learning about the importance of clear and concise instructions through playing team games. This has enabled them to understand how important it is to give others instructions that are simple to understand and precise. We have also refreshed our memories of the features of instructions and are looking forward to making a start on writing them.


In Maths, we have been focusing on practising our multiplication tables recall and speed. The children are very proud of the progress they have made so far.


In Geography, we are learning about the coastal town of Whitby in the county of North Yorkshire in order to make a comparison with Eccleshall. We are beginning to identify physical and human features on a map. The children have completed some great projects over the half term with some very interesting facts.


Homework this week is Multiplication Tables practise. All sheets are to be completed and returned to school no later than Wednesday 12th June.

Week Commencing 20th May 2024


Dear Families,


This week in English, we have been writing cinquain (pronounced sin-cane) poems. They were invented by an American poet called Adelaide Crapsey over 100 years ago.  They are 5 lines long, have 22 syllables  which are arranged in a set format. They children enjoyed writing a cinquain of something they loved with many choosing to write about their pet or favourite sport. To tie in with our book, Alice in Wonderland, we wrote a cinquain about a rabbit.


In maths, we have been finishing off our topic money and getting in some extra times tables practise in preparation for the upcoming Multiplication Table Check. The children are seeing progress with their recall ability but need to keep up the good work of practising.


In geography next half term, we will be studying the coastal town of Whitby. Homework this half term is to conduct some research and present it in a format they choose such as a: fact file, poster, PowerPoint, video, podcast. Additionally, children need to keep up the times tables practise.


Week commencing 13th May 2024


Dear Families,


This week in maths, we continued our learning with money and decimals.  We used our knowledge of column addition and subtraction as well as number lines to help us solve money problems. Ruby said, "I like how we can subtract money using decimals."


In English, we finished our story of Alice in Wonderland. We focused on editing one paragraph to improve it and then wrote a final draft. Sam D said, "I like how we could take parts of the story and put it into our own words. I also liked putting personification and a simile in the same sentence."


As this week has been Art Week, we have spent some time creating 2D and 3D projects based on the picture, 'A Courtyard of a House in Delft' by Pieter do Hooch. The children completed their own sketch of the picture and then used a cereal box to bring it to life in 3D. They learned how to score the boxes to make extra folds and enjoyed using their imagination and creativity to make something of their own.


Homework this week is English, page 32 is to be completed and returned to school no later than Wednesday 22nd May.



Week Commencing 6th May 2024


Dear Families,


This week in English, we have begun to write our retell of the beginning part of Alice in Wonderland. They children are trying really hard to include language features such as alliteration, similes, personification and metaphors in their writing. We have had some super sentences:


A lonely, flowing river, was silently rolling along.

Flowers flying into the river like birds diving to get water.

At the bottom of the hill, was a crooked old apple tree surrounded by dazzling daisies and shimmering stones.


In Maths, we are using our knowledge of decimals to solve money problems. We have begun by learning how convert pounds and pence.


In Science, we have been learning about the water cycle.  Ask your child if they can tell you how the cycle works.

Homework this week is maths, pages 38 and 39 are to be completed and returned to school no later than Wednesday 15th May. Please note, in line with school policy, homework not completed with be done during Golden Time.


Week commencing 29th April 2024


Dear Families,


This week in maths, we have been continuing with our work on decimals.  The children are becoming more confident when ordering and comparing decimals and were able to use their previous learning to round decimals. We will soon be moving onto money, therefore any opportunities to handle money would be beneficial to your child.


In English, we have begun to read the introduction for Alice in Wonderland. The children have been using 'role on the wall' to develop their understanding of the characters and drama to act out the first scene using verbal and non-verbal communication skills. They loved used the props to help them.


In science we conducted an investigation into how water changes its state. We learned that when water changes into a vapour it is called evaporation and when vapour cools down and turns into water droplets it is called condensation.


Homework this week is maths, pages 42 and 43 are to be completed and returned to school no later than Wednesday 8th May.


Week commencing 22 April 2024


This week in English, we have been completing, editing to improve and writing up our final draft of our Lewis Carroll biography. The children have taken a lot of care and effort to produce an excellent piece of work. They were incredibly proud of their efforts.


In maths, we have been learning to partition decimals into ones, tenths and hundredths.  We have also been learning that tenths are greater than hundredths.


In science, we have been investigating what happens when a material is heated or cooled. We used chocolate different temperatures of water to investigate what would happen. We found that the hotter the water, the quicker the chocolate melted.


Home work this week is English, pages 24 and 25 are to be returned to school no later than Wednesday 1st May.

Week commencing 15th April,


Dear Families,


This in week in maths, we have been dividing a one and 2 digit number by 10, we understand that by doing this we are moving the number one place right and making it 10 times smaller. We have been using place value charts to help us with our understanding.


In English, we have begun to write our biography about Lewis Carrol. The children are learning that their biography must be in chronological order so that we understand how key events may have impacted their lives. We are also trying to use more serious and formal language such as father instead of dad, brilliant instead of amazing.


In RE, we have been learning about the term 'fishers of men' and how this was used by Jesus to recruit his disciples to help him create his ministry.


Homework this week is maths, pages 14 and 16 are to be completed and returned to school no later than Wednesday 24th April.

Week commencing 8 April 2024


Dear Families,


This week in maths, we have been learning about decimals and their equivalent fractions.  We have been counting up in tenths and understand that we say 1 instead of 0.10. We have also been learning to count in decimals beyond 1. 


In English, we have been researching Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland as we are going to write a biography about him next week.  Ask you child if they can tell you a fact about Lewis Carroll.


Our new topic in science is states of matter. We have been learning about the properties of liquids, solids and gases and how their particles behave. We had a lot of fun acting out behaviour of the different particles.


Homework this week is English. Books are to be returned to school no later than Wednesday 17th April.
