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Bishop Lonsdale

Church of England Primary Academy

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Remote Learning

In school we will teaching the same as the home learning sent on Dojo.  We will be keeping to the timetable below so if your child is attending on certain days because you are a critical worker you will know what they are being taught on those days so you won't need to do those subjects at home. 


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
English English English English English
Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths
Live Teams Call Topic Phonics PE Science
RE Music Live Teams Call PSHE  

Some children have expressed they are going to miss seeing the teacher and their friends.  So we will be doing a couple of short live Teams Meetings each week to make it possible to see each other.  On a Monday it will be short live session with Mrs Phillips, on a Wednesday it will be short live session with Miss Randall and on a Friday we will do a pre-recorded session for the children to watch from either Miss Randall or Mrs Phillips.  We will update with session times ready for week beginning 11th January 2021.


Here are some links to useful websites for the subjects listed.  We will upload more links as we find them while planning the coming weeks ahead.  They are not essential learning but can be used if your children want and need something additional.  

Safer Internet Day

Still image for this video
It was Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 9th February 2021 and the children in school recorded you this message :)

Remember stay safe online!