We will be having a Maths unit focus which will change every one/ two weeks. The whole school from Years 1 - 6 will focus on the same unit to assist you and your grown-ups with learning from home.
This week we will be focussing on Measure.
We will be looking at reading timetables using 24 hour clock, and calculating time intervals.
You could ask the children about time in your everyday lives e.g. how long is this programme on for? If we have lunch in half an hour, what time will it be?
You have PDF file to look through with some suggested activities which links to this learning. There are the Heroes, Superheroes and Legends challenges that we use in class. There are also ‘knowledge organisers’ at the start of the activity to help you.
We will be having a picture book focus which will change every one/ two weeks. The whole school from Years 1 - 6 will focus on the same text to assist you and your grown-ups with learning from home.
There is the PDF of the story for you to look at.
This week, we are looking at the book 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner. Please spend some time looking through the VIPERS questions when reading the book, and choose some of the suggested activities. This will develop your understanding of the text and revisit skills used during class time.
Please use the VIPERS as you feel necessary e.g. looking at the questions as you go through the book, picking a few questions to look at each day as a reading comprehension.
Next week, we will be looking at the same book, but there will be a suggested writing task based around the story.
Please find a suggested STEM Challenge to have a go at this week.