Spelling lists will be given out at the beginning of each half term. Children will be checked on these spellings on a Friday, however our priority is that the children begin to apply the spelling patterns independently to written work.
Children can practise their spellings using interactive games on Spelling Shed. Log in details will be sent out with a QR to enable easy access to this platform.
Days to remember 2PB
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Reading Books RETURNED to SCHOOL |
| Big Cat Collin Reading Book Sent HOME | PE day | Weekly Spelling Check
Boom Reader 3 weekly read check |
Each day: Book packs and water bottles
Homework in Year 2
We are incredibly grateful for all the support at home. Just a short amount of time each day supporting your child with reading, spelling and number facts makes a huge difference to their confidence and understanding. Please speak to Mrs Bates or Mrs Phillips if you have any questions regarding homework in Year 2.
Every Friday during our Year 2 celebration worship, we will announce and celebrate:
Star of the Week
Boom Reader - children who have logged their three weekly reads
Numbots Certificates
Maths Websites
https://www.themathsfactor.com/games/ This one you can join for 14 days for free
English Websites
Personal, Social and Health Education & Wellbeing
Spelling Websites
Here are some games to help the children with their spellings in general.
Computing Websites