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Bishop Lonsdale

Church of England Primary Academy

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Spring 2025

School closure 11. 2. 25


Dear families,


Regrettably, today we must send home some work for your child. We understand this is not ideal, but we hope that the current situation will be fixed soon. Consequently, we have outlined some activities your child can complete to minimise any loss in their learning. Please find below the tasks and thank you for your support and understanding during this time.




The children have been reading How to Train your Dragon and are currently retelling chapter 2. Today, the children are asked to write their own narrative about a dragon. This can be about the dragon they created for our non-chronological report or any dragon they wish to create. The place, time, characters and plot of the narrative is entirely up to them. 




This week, the children have been learning about using an apostrophe for a contraction. They can refresh their knowledge with the presentation below and can complete the sheet or simply write it out in their books. It would be really good if they could include some contractions in their narrative.



We are still developing our confidence with our cursive writing, the booklet below has lots of practise for all letters of the alphabet. They children can pick and chose to practise those they feel are most tricky.



In maths, we have been working with measurement in particular metres, centimetres and millimetres. We have been learning to measure and compare lengths. The children know that 100 cm = 1 m and 10 mm = 1cm. To develop fluency the children can complete the following worksheets (no need to print, the answers can be written on paper) on converting metres to centimetres, millimetres to centimetres and vice versa. Additionally, there is also the comparison worksheet they can complete. They children know which level they are working at but can choose to challenge themselves.



In computing we are learning to sequence sounds in Scratch. Read through the presentation and then complete the project to create a drum sprite add a sound and change its appearance. The children each have their own scratch account which they will need to login to (details will be sent via Dojo). They will need to save their project by simply naming it.

Week commencing 3 February 2025


Dear Families,


This week in maths, we have been continuing with measurement. The children have been learning about the word 'equivalent' and that it means 'equal to' or 'the same as'. We have learned that there are 100cm in 1 metre and 10mm in 1 cm. We have then been able to use this information to convert different lengths in order to compare them and problem solve.



In English, we have been preparing to write our retell of Chapter 2 - The Dragon Nursery. We have been creating golden lines to use and planned out the description of the nursery itself. The children are really enjoying this book.


In Science, we have been continuing our work on shadows. This week we tried to find more patterns. We use a shadow demonstration kit to see what would happen to a shadow when the hour changed. We then took this outside and over the course of 2 days (because it was cloudy on the first and no shadow was cast) we measure the length of the pole every hour. We found that shadows are longest in the morning and late afternoon and shortest at midday.


In art, we have been creating still life compositions, photographing them and then using different media to draw them.

A snapshot of our week

Week commencing 27th January 2025


in maths, we have started a new topic on measurement. We have been learning how to measure in metres, centimetres and millimetres accurately using a range of tools.


In English we have been reading How to Train your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. The children are really enjoying reading the book.


In Science, we have been learning about shadows. We know that shadows are a dark area that forms when light is blocked by an object. We carried out an investigation to see what would happen to the size of the shadow when we move the torch further away from the object. We found that the shadow became smaller.

A snapshot of our week

Week commencing 20th January 2025


Dear Families,


This week in maths, we have been using equipment to help us learn to divide using flexible partitioning and with remainders.


In English, we have been writing the paragraphs on habitat, diet and appearance for our dragon. On Friday, we wrote our final draft and illustrated it. The children were very proud of their efforts.


In Science, we were learning about UV rays from the sun and how they can be harmful to our skin and eyes. They children were given some UV beads and went outside to see what would happen. Despite it being a cloudy day, the children's beads turned different colours to show that they had reacted to UV light. We then carried out an investigation where we put some control beads in a bag and covered others in SPF 50 sun cream to see what would happen. The children found that the beads covered in sun cream did not change colour. From this the children developed a good understanding of how sun cream can protect us from harmful UV rays.


On Monday we had an online Q and A with Steve an electrician onboard the RSS Sir David Attenborough. The children were able to ask questions about what it was like to live on board the ship and in the Antarctic. The children also had a look at some of pictures of the Antarctic that Steve had sent over the course of his journey. See the presentation below.

Dear Families,


This week in maths, we have been continuing our work on multiplication.  This term we are learning different methods to help us solve a multiplication problem.  We have been learning to multiply and divide by 10 as well as multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number without any exchange.


In English, we are writing a non-chronological report about dragons. We have been learning about the Eccleshall Forest Dragon and have been looking after a dragon egg which nursery found in the snow. The children are very interested in the egg and used drama to act as an interviewer or a dragonologist to find out more information about dragons.


In Science, we have started a new topic on light. The children were really interested to learn about natural and artificial light sources. They carried out an investigation to see how light reacted with different materials.
