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Church of England Primary Academy

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Summer 2024

Week commencing 22 April 2024


This week in English, we have been completing, editing to improve and writing up our final draft of our Lewis Carroll biography. The children have taken a lot of care and effort to produce an excellent piece of work. They were incredibly proud of their efforts.


In maths, we have been learning to partition decimals into ones, tenths and hundredths.  We have also been learning that tenths are greater than hundredths.


In science, we have been investigating what happens when a material is heated or cooled. We used chocolate different temperatures of water to investigate what would happen. We found that the hotter the water, the quicker the chocolate melted.


Home work this week is English, pages 24 and 25 are to be returned to school no later than Wednesday 1st May.

Week commencing 15th April,


Dear Families,


This in week in maths, we have been dividing a one and 2 digit number by 10, we understand that by doing this we are moving the number one place right and making it 10 times smaller. We have been using place value charts to help us with our understanding.


In English, we have begun to write our biography about Lewis Carrol. The children are learning that their biography must be in chronological order so that we understand how key events may have impacted their lives. We are also trying to use more serious and formal language such as father instead of dad, brilliant instead of amazing.


In RE, we have been learning about the term 'fishers of men' and how this was used by Jesus to recruit his disciples to help him create his ministry.


Homework this week is maths, pages 14 and 16 are to be completed and returned to school no later than Wednesday 24th April.

Week commencing 8 April 2024


Dear Families,


This week in maths, we have been learning about decimals and their equivalent fractions.  We have been counting up in tenths and understand that we say 1 instead of 0.10. We have also been learning to count in decimals beyond 1. 


In English, we have been researching Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland as we are going to write a biography about him next week.  Ask you child if they can tell you a fact about Lewis Carroll.


Our new topic in science is states of matter. We have been learning about the properties of liquids, solids and gases and how their particles behave. We had a lot of fun acting out behaviour of the different particles.


Homework this week is English. Books are to be returned to school no later than Wednesday 17th April.
